Month: March 2024

Why AI Won’t Do When It Comes to Your Written Content

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How do you rely on smart technology to tell your coaching clients how you can relate to their feelings of being stuck? How can you trust AI to show customers how to harness their potential with your services?

You can’t. Unless you want vital information to get lost along the way.

ChatGPT and similar AI models have undoubtedly revolutionized content generation. They can do many things, from coaching my friend through the steps of taking a film trip to far-flung Columbia to helping me conceive story ideas and research topics while saving time.

I’ll be the first to advocate for AI’s ability to provide quick and convenient solutions but the last to tell you to depend on it for copywriting needs.

Its inherent limitations can’t replace what a professional writer can produce for you. Here are some things you’ll miss out on if you rely on it for content creation.

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Creativity and nuance

Creativity, intuition, originality and emotional intelligence are the solid foundations of your brand’s voice. AI can’t replace the subtle nuances of language, tone and content well enough to tailor words to your target audience.

Critical-thinking and problem-solving

Every complex idea needs to be shaped to convey it simply, effectively and consistently on-brand. Only a trained writer can conduct research, synthesize information and present findings with all the words you need and none of the fluff you don’t. Nothing makes a reader’s eyes glaze over faster than when text is too convoluted to understand or so robotic that it lacks any personality. Clear, sincere and interesting copy keeps your clients subscribed to your newsletters and connected to your product descriptions.

Accuracy and quality

Even computer-generated content can make mistakes. Teachers drilled accuracy and fact-checking into the minds of former journalism students like me. The “sorry bro, doing my best” mentality would not fly for errors. Instead, we’d wind up with big red “F” on assignments and night terrors until we learned to get pronouns, spelling, last names and product descriptions correct the first time. Now, it’s second nature for me to review and revise content, correct grammatical errors, clarify confusing passages and maintain a consistent voice for my clients—all things AI can’t do.

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Ethical considerations and sensitivity 

People are very concerned about where they spend their dollars these days. Gen Z, the largest consumer group in history, says they want brands they shop at to support mental health, according to an ICSC and Big Village survey, followed by environmental causes and racial and gender equity. It’s vital to address topics with tact, empathy and consideration of the potential impact words have on diverse audiences. A trained writer like me adheres to specific ethical guidelines and compassion for others that a computer can’t compete with.

Building trust and credibility

Everyone with an internet connection can start an online business and reach an audience. In a highly competitive landscape, your brand’s credibility is what makes potential clients trust and choose you. High-quality, well-written content shows you care about connecting with your customers, and professionally written words enhance your reputation and authority in your field.

Tailored solutions

No two clients I’ve worked with have had the same needs. Every writing project is unique in its challenges and requirements, and a professional writer and editor can work closely with you to understand your objectives, preferences and constraints and build a plan tailored to your business. I can adapt my approach to meet your needs, whether it’s crafting compelling marketing copy, ghostwriting engaging blog posts or editing existing content. Many options can work within your budget.

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AI tools have certainly earned a place in content creation, but they can’t replace the expertise, creativity and sensitivity of human touch that a professional writer and editor brings to the table. Communication is our tie to community and isn’t something to be sacrificed when trying to build credibility, relatability and connection that converts.

Whether you’re seeking a copywriter, editor or social media content creator, I’m here to help!